Wednesday, February 24, 2010

my list

As it gets closer to Seattle I can't help but sit at work and dream of all of the things I want to see and places I want to go! I know a lot of them are touristy, but seriously I don't even care, I'm going I want to see and explore! make up my own mind! so here is a little list!!! 16 days until we fly up and 24 days until we move for good!! so excited!!

First up, the Space Needle!! Who wouldn't want to visit this amazing, buildingish, skinny, cant even believe it stands, needle!! oh space needle, I will see you soon, and I will eat in your overpriced restaurant, and I will ooggle and google at your view, and I will take so many pictures, and make my husband kiss me on your outside deck!

I want to experience music/science fiction at this museum! I want to go there and do just that, experience! expand my brain, and see neat things! museum with your oddly shaped building, I will see you soon!

The Woodland Park Zoo!! I cannot wait to visit you!! where I can actually see the animals, where they aren't hiding, from the million degree sun!!! To you monkeys, I might mimic you, and look like a fool, but I will totally enjoy every second of it!

The Seattle Art Museum! I cannot wait to visit you!! I want to see all of your African, Native American & Modern art pieces! Just looking and your building makes me so excited!

Gas Works Park!!!! I saw you once on an episode of some show on MTV I don't remember what it was, but you were amazing! I thought to myself what a neat place, but now I get to see you!!!

Waterfall Gardens, just look at you in all of your beauty, I can imagine myself, right there in that chair to the far right reading a book, enjoying the sounds of the water, sipping unbelievably good coffee!

The Maritime Brewing Company, I want your beer. even though I probably won't like it, I would like to try it. enough said.

The boat locks! I have heard how awesome you are!! I want to see you raise those boats and get them along on their journey!!

Ride The Ducks of Seattle!! I did this in Missouri, which really what do you see there?? but it was AWESOME!! land to water, water to land and if you still get the squealing duck blower and a chance to drive the boat, I'm THERE!!!

The Troll!! You are so weird, how did you get there anyway?? and why are you eating a VW Bug??

The Elliott Bay bike path!!! I'm getting a road bike, and I cannot wait to ride on this path with my husband, he is awesomely excellent at cycling, me not so much, but I'm going to get good while practicing on this path!

Pike Place Market!! I can't believe I get to live close to you! I cant wait to taste your freshness, and hear all the hustle and bustle of people! Its just too dreamy!!
Well, there you have it! My list of things I want to see and do, I really can't believe we are actually doing it, taking a risk and going for something we want! I seriously cant wait!! and for the Bug Safari with Boston Jo and Boone!



Alison said...

yes! awesome list of adventures for sure! can't wait for u to get here.....yahoooo!

Anonymous said...

Precious Katy,

Your list sounds like so much fun! Grandpa and I have thought of going to WA. We both love the rain...I think you will get quite a bit of it there. I couldn't be happier for you and Jeff. I also think it is a good choice to get away to "start over." I know your dad will miss you. Keep me posted on where you will be living and how you are doing. OK? I get the impression that you already have friends in WA, right? Anyway, be safe and know that the two of you are loved very much.


Katy Hill said...

Thanks Grandma!! It would be awesome if you and Grandpa John could come out and visit some day!! we love the rain too!! I will send our new address, and keep you posted on all of the new exciting things! I hope you got my card I sent to you??
Love you and miss you!