Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dear, Me.

releasing my thoughts here until they can be released to who they are for...don't be confused.
I was going through some old letters... and I came across this one, I thought I would share it. It is so sweet, and I really appreciated it and loved it when it was written to me. I was in a very dark sad place when this letter was given to me. It makes me sick to think about that area of my life but, causes me to rejoice in what the Lord has brought me out of... Why I want to share this letter is for the highlighted areas...
"...I also miss how grounded you where with your relationship with Jesus! You lit up an had a fire for Him. I wanted that soooo bad and fell in love with that. Were going through a rough road in life right now, but i am trusting in Jesus to lead us through it! Do the same, find Him, search Him, listen. I believe were meant to grow and learn a life time with Jesus and share that with our spouse, then grow together,, as one, the way he designed it! Just know I'm trying hard, this i believe will take a long time. I pray for you daily, and hope you find that love again and bring it into our lives. I love you completely for who you are, Jesus loves you tremendously! I'm writing this while you are sleeping, so sleep tight, sweet dreams and see you in the morning. love, me"
I wanted to say thank you to you, Mr.Me. Thank you for praying, you said you prayed daily for me, that I would find Jesus, that I would search for Him, that I would listen to Him and that I would know how much He loves me! Thank you so much for all of your prayers... This struggle has brought me back to my Savior. back to my first love. Though I still pray for a miracle, and I pray for you daily, if going through all of this and making the mistakes I have made was to bring me back to the Lord, then it is pain not wasted. I am grateful that we serve the God of reconciliation, restoration and healing. Pastor Gary said Sunday, "Nothing is impossible with God!"
I believe that.
I love you very much ME with all of my heart, thank you so much for all of your prayers... They weren't wasted. I pray someday God would answer mine.