Saturday, October 10, 2009


"God, change me not my circumstances! There will be NO stale crackers in this Honda!"

This is the quote that is in my car right now on the dashboard where I can see it daily!

A couple of days ago I had an "Ah-ha" moment! I was reading in my book (Separated and waiting) the chapter was actually on choosing not to worry but she wrote in there that God wants to change us not our circumstances.

Well I really thought about that. I thought about who I was 7 months ago versus now. There has been a lot of change, a lot of growth and I am so happy and blessed at the work the Lord has been doing in my life! But, I was thinking if I never changed, if I was always who I was then and God just constantly changed my circumstance, I would be the same old stale cracker, just in different situations. Well, that's just NOT OK!

Instead of asking God to change my situation, which I wish He would... I'm asking that He continues to change me! so that instead of getting a new circumstance, I can be NEW in my current circumstance!! God is so good. The refiners fire is a good place to be :)

I want to move forward, God is making me into the woman He created me to be. I like her. and I like that its a LIFE long process, He isn't done!!!


Anonymous said...

Good girl Katy! Looks like you are "getting it". Seems like many times the situation doesn't change until we do, and I can see that you are changing. God has a good plan, it's all about the waiting...!

Love you, Aunt Dede