Friday, February 5, 2010

excuses. changes.

so here is my dilemma with posting:

1. every time I go to my blog, I look at the picture and it really bothers me that I couldn't make it do what I wanted it to. I don't understand how to do the whole personalized thing. so it frustrates me.

2. my laptop died, therefor it is harder for me to upload pictures, and really who wants to read a blog with no pictures...

3. my life is consumed with work. you would think, oh bank teller no biggie, well I'm learning so much and our branch is so small that we have to do a lot of non teller things, by the end of the day my brain feels like oatmeal, all soggy and runny. I'm tired, and the other two previous reasons, make me go "ugh" and not post.

i guess that's all really?? but i want to blog more, especially now with new changes on the horizon!!

I'm at work right now, and a second ago it dawned on me! I feel like i never left work, like I'm here all the time!! wake up, get ready, drive, work, drive, home, eat, shower, sleep repeat.

i wish we didn't need jobs, i want to see the world, explore, go somewhere new, be excited about where I am, know that at the end of the day i lived that day completely fulfilled, now, don't get me wrong, i understand spiritual fulfillment, and know that the very essence of who i am is dependant on my ongoing, life fulfilled relationship with the Lord.

but I'm talking about life, not just being alive in it, but living it! experiencing it! the Lord has given my husband and i a second chance at our life together and i don't want to waste it. I want to make memories with him, go new places, travel, eat new foods, drink new things (delicious espresso) laugh, walk places, ride bikes, get outside, say "we've been there" "we've done that" I want to have memories to share with our children, about there parents and how they enjoyed life!

and then someday, add those little tots in and make them apart of this adventure, let our children touch, feel, explore and play in this world that God has gifted us with.

I feel trapped right now. trapped on the freeway stuck in traffic, trapped in my little station at my job, where there isn't even a window open, no sunshine. my soul is dying to breathe and get out!!


we are working on it. saving all of our pennies, looking for jobs, and checking out schools in WA. its time, and no time is better then now, to run freeeeeeee!

xo kate


Sarah Elwer said...

You are cute! I love your desire to actually live life! I pray for you and Jeff all the time and I am still in awe of the miracle the Lord has done and is continuing to do!

Nathan, Sarah, Liam, Deacon, and Jude said...

Sounds like you have exciting things on the horizon!

Alison said...

i love you oh so much!